Checking In

Thank you for visiting this page. As I noted in my letter, I am excited our outreach ministries, such as the recent Let it Shine trunk-or-treat event and the monthly Community Lunches.

I'm also looking forward to the upcoming Pancake Break on Dec. 12 for PSU Altoona students during finals week (7-10PM) — the first since the pandemic! If you'd like to help, feel free to take a shift between the hours 6-11PM as we will need help preparing and cleaning up.

We will also be starting the season of Advent on Sunday, Dec. 3. On Christmas Eve (Sunday),  we will have one service in the morning (10AM), and two Christmas Eve Candlelight Services in the evening (4PM & 7PM). We would love to see you!

Speaking of the worship schedule, we have two Sunday morning worship services at 9AM & 11AM — except for special Sundays, such as most 5th Sundays of the month (10AM). Having two services gives members and guests options. You are free to attend whichever service you choose from week to week!

Also, please check out the Wehnwood app — to watch services, give online, check the calendar of events, engage in discipleship, & more. The info for the app is below, but first, we'd love to hear from you!

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When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

Worship at 9 AM & 11 AM
Sunday School at 10 AM

What to Expect

A typical service will last about an hour. We sing mostly traditional music and offer special music from talented musicians. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

What should I wear?
Don't feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Will I be singled out in any way as a guest?
At Wehnwood, you will never be put on the spot, be embarrassed, or feel forced to give money.