We're glad you're here. Thank you for experiencing this Lenten journey with us — Wednesdays during Lent (Noon – 1 PM).

Each week, we serve a light lunch (soup, sandwiches, & fruit). Lunch is free. There are donation boxes on each table for those who wish to donate to food ministries, which will be divided between Altoona Food Bank, Society of St. Andrew, and our own Community Lunch food outreach!

In the event of inclement weather and we need to cancel (mainly ice), that info will be posted here on this page — clearly marked at the top!

Here's the schedule for 2025 …

Journey to the Cross: Encounters with Jesus

3/12: Encountering Jesus the Healer (Mark 2.1-12)
Pastor Susan Gingery (Lakemont/Broad Ave. UMCs)

3/19: Encountering Jesus the Teacher (Matthew 5.1-12)
Rev. Dr. Lillian Smith (Freedom Trail District Superintendent)

3/26: Encountering Jesus the Forgiver (Luke 7.36-50)
Rev. Dr. Lenore Hosier (Christ Community/Llyswen UMCs)

4/2: Encountering Jesus the Servant (John 13.1-17)
Pastor Trina Miller (Mardorf UMC)

4/9: Encountering Jesus in Agony (Matthew 26.36-46)
Rev. Dr. Randy Willis (Wehnwood UMC)

4/16: Encountering Jesus Betrayed (Luke 22:54-62)
Chaplain Ben Chon (VA Home)

Have a blessed Lenten season!

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When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

Worship at 9 AM & 11 AM
Sunday School at 10 AM

What to Expect

A typical service will last about an hour. We sing mostly traditional music and offer special music from talented musicians. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

What should I wear?
Don't feel like you have to dress up. Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Will I be singled out in any way as a guest?
At Wehnwood, you will never be put on the spot, be embarrassed, or feel forced to give money.

How can we pray for you?

We'd love to hear from you!