Prayer Guide for Pastor Randy
For many years, Pastor Randy has invited members to use this (adapted) prayer guide from Dan Reiland’s book, Shoulder to Shoulder: Strengthening Your Church by Supporting Your Pastor. Thank you for your prayers!
Monday: Pray for your pastor’s family.
Tuesday: Pray for wisdom for your pastor.
Wednesday: Pray for your pastor’s ministry focus.
Thursday: Pray for your pastor’s health.
Friday: Pray for your pastor’s spiritual health.
Saturday: Pray for your pastor’s purity
Sunday: Pray for God’s anointing on your pastor.
Monday: Pray for your pastor’s family.
- God’s peace and protection
- A growing love relationship with his/her spouse
- A commitment to quality and quantity time together
Tuesday: Pray for wisdom for your pastor.
- The mind of Christ
- Godly decision-making
- Understanding of biblical truth
Wednesday: Pray for your pastor’s ministry focus.
- Clear vision
- Commitment to biblical priorities
- Remain true to his/her God-given gifts and strengths
Thursday: Pray for your pastor’s health.
- Protection of his/her body and mind
- An extra portion of stamina and strength
- Commitment to stress-releasing activity
Friday: Pray for your pastor’s spiritual health.
- A heart for God and the lost
- Fresh biblical insights
- Personal devotions not related to sermon preparation
Saturday: Pray for your pastor’s purity
- Pure motives
- Pure thought-life and faithfulness to his/her spouse
- Pure commitment to complete integrity
Sunday: Pray for God’s anointing on your pastor.
- Strength in leadership
- Passion in preaching
- Fruit and joy in ministry