One Word 2024

It’s that time again — time to choose a new One Word for a new year!

This practice has been meaningful for me. I started in 2013. I will choose my 12th word in 2024. Some of my favorites have been Energize, Persevere, Trust, and Climb. Sometimes, I find my word quickly; other times, it is a struggle. But it’s always worth it!

How to Choose your One Word …

Write down a list of the words that come to you.
In late December, I like to start this process, and take my time with it. These words should be positive & inspirational, something to move you forward in your discipleship—your life with Christ!

Pick the top 3 words that stand out to you.
It can be a little daunting to choose ONE word, but if you start out by praying and asking God for guidance, then write down several words that come to you.

Allow time to see if one of your top 3 is your word.

Ask God to help!

Create a One Word Reminder!
I usually create a graphic for my Facebook page and/or wallpaper for my laptop. The main thing is to find what works for you. It could something as simple as a post-it note on the bathroom mirror.
I trust this will be a helpful process for you. I would love to hear what One Word you choose for 2024. Feel free to let me know.

God bless you as you begin a New Year! 5020202020Recent




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