Shaped By the Word

Life gets busy, and often, we approach reading the Bible as just another task to check off our list. We skim through chapters, gathering information but missing something deeper. What if we approached Scripture differently?

M. Robert Mulholland, in his work on spiritual formation, challenges us to see the Bible not just as a book of facts but as a tool for transformation. He encourages us to allow Scripture to "form" us—changing our hearts, renewing our minds, and shaping us into the image of Christ.

This approach requires a shift in mindset. Instead of rushing through our Bible reading, we should slow down. Take time to meditate on the words, letting them sink into our souls. The goal is not to gather knowledge but to experience the presence of God through his Word.

When we allow the Bible to shape us, it becomes a source of nourishment, guiding our decisions and influencing our actions. We become more Christ-like, not just in what we know, but in how we live and love others.

So, next time you open your Bible, don't just read it—let it read you. Let the Word of God shape you, transforming your heart and life in ways that go beyond mere knowledge.

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